Concept, design & illustration

Learning by building - Cubiss

Education in a different kind of way. The 'Maakfabriek' lesson series encourages action! In this series of lessons, I made a direct link with 'building' and 'design' through the combination of sleek geometric shapes and playful hand-drawn and graphic components. The interplay between making and reading can be seen in the shapes of the letters. Where one font is spatially 'constructed', the other font consists of abstract surfaces, lines and shapes. With this contrast of plane/line, flat/spatial, sleek/playful, finished/unfinished, front/back, we stimulate the students and challenge them to research, read, sketch, writing, designing and building. de Maakfabriek encourage action! In this series of lessons, I make a direct link with 'building' and 'design' through the combination of sleek geometric shapes and playful hand-drawn and graphic components. The interplay between making and reading can be seen in the shapes of the letters. Where one font is spatially 'constructed', the other font consists of abstract surfaces, lines and shapes. With this contrast of plane/line, flat/spatial, sleek/playful, finished/unfinished, front/back, we stimulate the students and challenge them to research, read, sketch, write, design and build together. 

The Maakfabriek consists of 5 lesson packages with various activity books, worksheets, book lists and posters for different grades.

The assignment

  • 5 lesson material packages
  • 21st century skills
  • stimulate curiosity
  • experimental
  • learning by building
  • prepare for the future